French President Emmanuel Macron has decided to give an interview to French TV channels. He realized that after each process, he loses more in the interests of the Caucasus, and by deciding to compensate immediately, he made very big strategic mistakes in his statement.
He said that, expressing his concern about the possible military attack of #Azerbaijan against Armenia, he emphasized that Baku threatens the territorial integrity of #Armenia: “#France is very vigilant about the territorial integrity of Armenia. Today, there is #Russia, which is Azerbaijan’s partner, and #Turkey, which always supports these aspirations,” said the French president.
In general, such a speech is shameful. At least because Yerevan did not stick to its commitments because of countries like France and almost all stages were implemented by military operations.
At the same time, Macron, who waited for two months on the Lachin road yesterday, and came back blindly and regretfully, took the Tir action as Aliyev’s breaking him and became very angry.

Macron once again considered Azerbaijan’s military operation in #Karabakh unacceptable, stressed the importance of unifying efforts to provide humanitarian aid to the Armenians of #Karabakh, and emphasized that the rights of Karabakh Armenians should be respected.

Humanitarian aid generally exists in the world to disguise political objectives in the name of humanitarianism.
Unfortunately, Macron continues to harm peace not only as the central power of Europe, but also as a permanent member of the UNSC+.
On September 19, during the local military act, the French president was one of the first to call the Armenian leader. During that telephone conversation, Macron informed Nicole Pashinyan that France is initiating an emergency meeting of the #UN Security Council.

According to #Armenian government, the topic of discussion between Macron and Pashinyan was the situation in Karabakh. Both sides stressed the inadmissibility of the use of force and the need to use international mechanisms to reduce tensions.
Which international mechanism – we remember that Ararat Mirzoyan immediately proposed at the hearings at the UN that an international observer army/mandate/ be deployed in Karabakh under the name of UN peacekeepers. So, we understood that. Who gave that thesis to Mirzoyan?
On September 20, Macron even tweeted that he strongly condemns Azerbaijan’s use of force in Karabakh.
“The attack must be stopped immediately, discussions on the rights and security of the residents must be resumed,” Macron said. He said that he is in close contact with Prime Minister Pashinyan.

In addition to being a very shameless move, he does not see the need to talk about what he is doing in Africa today.

The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs even stated that Azerbaijan’s attack “threatens thousands of civilians who have already suffered from the illegal blockade and is contrary to the efforts of the international community to resolve the problem through negotiations.”

We understand that when he says to formulate a sharp response to Azerbaijan’s military operations, he is calling to send his army there in addition to giving weapons to Armenia.
Probably, this is Washington’s desire, he said, that France opened up.
On September 21, Emmanuel Macron discussed with Nikol Pashinyan the situation around Karabakh and the steps to be taken to get out of it.
And after this discussion yesterday, Pashinyan declared a concrete war on Russia, and it would not be wrong to say that even yesterday the members of the Russian-funded public association were arrested by the national security forces under the name of “coup d’état”.
Back to France…
On September 21, at the initiative of France, a session of the UN #Security Council was held, and in this session, Paris claimed that Azerbaijan committed “military aggression” against the Armenians of Karabakh.

What is happening is part of the great geopolitical war in the Caucasus. In other words, we cannot ignore this issue either. Because there was separatism in the territory of Azerbaijan, and communications, which are the economic and military guarantee of our future, are not opened.

As a result, the neighboring state of Armenia, which has obligations, is in a mood of actual revenge and is dragging the region into a desperate situation by declaring war not only on our ally Russia. The most likely beneficiary of such an unmanageable situation is America, whose location is potentially tied to Iran and Russia politics. It is part of the strategy of encirclement of Russia and Iran.

But you definitely need an excuse about accommodation. We can say that this ideal excuse goes beyond accusing Azerbaijan…

Now this is not understood in Armenia either:

It is in the current conditions that Azerbaijan is succeeding by connecting its geostrategic interests and energy policy, and how is it that several EU+ countries are currently lining up for gas at the door of Baku.

It is enough to talk about Hungary’s step.

an argument – who is Erdogan?

What is the extent of Turkey’s power?

It seems that when the Turkish side announced some time ago that Ankara will start political attacks on the Zangezur Corridor in the near future, now it is understood that they shouted even louder for the obvious hostility of the West and Iran to prevent that process.

However, after the Karabakh issue, Turkey entered a concrete stage, and the open question is:

How can Iran, France and the USA react to Zangezur’s step in the current situation…

We can say that Iran withdrew in the Karabakh process only because of Turkey.

What about France, USA?

The war in Ukraine is the soft underbelly of the West.

Due to the strategic importance of the Black Sea, Turkey, which owns the Bosphorus Strait, can curate France and the United States in the maximum form.

Today the first page of the new history will be written:

Keep your eye on Nakhchivan/

A new world – Naqshi – is born in the world.